GSSYA Policies

Global Share Support Youth Association  Anti-Racism, Access, and Equity Policy

Global Share Support Youth Association
Anti-Racism, Access, and Equity Policy
Effective Date: Jan 1st, 2020
Reviewed: Jan 1st, 2020

1. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to promote anti-racism, ensure equitable access, and advance fairness and inclusion within GSSYA. This policy aims to create a respectful, inclusive environment that actively challenges discrimination and supports equal opportunities for all members of the community.

2. Scope

Applicability: This policy applies to all employees, volunteers, board members, clients, and the Board of Directors of GSSYA. It covers all activities and operations, including recruitment, program delivery, and organizational practices.

3. Definitions

4. Policy Statements

Commitment to Anti-Racism:
GSSYA is committed to actively combating racism and creating a culture of inclusivity. We will ensure that our practices and policies reflect anti-racist principles and foster an environment where all individuals are valued and respected.

Commitment to Access:
GSSYA will provide equitable access to all services, resources, and opportunities. We will identify and remove barriers to participation and ensure that all individuals have the opportunity to benefit from our programs and services.

Commitment to Equity:
GSSYA is dedicated to fairness and equity in all organizational practices. We will implement measures to ensure that all individuals are treated fairly and that our policies and practices address and rectify historical and systemic inequalities.

5. Responsibilities

The Chairman is responsible for overseeing the implementation of this policy and ensuring that it is integrated into all aspects of GSSYA’s operations.

Staff and Volunteers:
All staff and volunteers are expected to adhere to the principles of this policy, participate in related training, and contribute to creating an inclusive environment.

Policy Committee:
A Policy Committee, including representatives from various departments, will be established to monitor compliance with this policy, review progress, and recommend improvements.

6. Training and Education

Mandatory Training:
All employees and volunteers will undergo mandatory training on anti-racism, access, and equity principles upon onboarding and will participate in refresher training annually.

Educational Resources:
GSSYA will provide ongoing educational resources and support to ensure that staff and Board of Directors are informed about anti-racism, equity, and accessibility.

7. Complaint Procedure

How to Report:
Individuals who believe that they have experienced or witnessed discrimination, harassment, or other violations of this policy can report their concerns using the complaint procedure outlined in the GSSYA Complaint Policy.

All complaints will be investigated promptly and thoroughly by the designated Complaints Officer or a relevant committee. Appropriate actions will be taken to address and resolve any issues.

Complainants will be kept informed of the progress and resolution of their complaints. Follow-up will be conducted to ensure that any issues are fully resolved and to prevent recurrence.

8. Monitoring and Evaluation

GSSYA will regularly assess the effectiveness of this policy and its implementation through surveys, feedback mechanisms, and reviews.

Progress reports on anti-racism, access, and equity efforts will be included in the annual report and shared with the Board of Directors.

Continuous Improvement:
The Policy Committee will review and update this policy as needed to reflect best practices and emerging issues in anti-racism, access, and equity.

9. Policy Review and Updates

Review Schedule:
This policy will be reviewed annually by the Policy Committee and updated as necessary to ensure its continued relevance and effectiveness.

Updates to this policy will be approved by the Board of Directors.

10. Communication

Policy Availability:
This policy will be accessible on the GSSYA website and available in hard copy at the GSSYA office. All employees, volunteers, and Board of Directors will be informed of its availability.

Contact for Queries:
For questions or more information about this policy, please contact Christina Guan, Complaint Officer, at

Approved By:
Linda Huang, Chairman
Jan 1st, 2020

Global Share Support Youth Association Complain Policy

Global Share Support Youth Association
Complaint Policy
Effective Date: Jan 1st, 2020
Reviewed: Jan 1st, 2020

1. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to establish a fair, transparent, and effective process for handling complaints within GSSYA. This policy ensures that complaints are addressed in a timely and systematic manner, providing a clear framework for resolution and maintaining the integrity and accountability of the organization.

2. Scope of the Policy

This policy applies to all employees, volunteers, and Board members of GSSYA, including but not limited to clients, partners, and members of the community who interact with the organization.

3. Types of Complaints Covered


4. Complaint Submission Process

How to Submit:

Information Required:

5. Complaint Handling Procedures





6. Confidentiality

All complaints will be handled confidentially. Personal data and details of the complaint will be protected and only shared with individuals involved in the investigation or resolution process. Access to complaint records will be restricted to authorized personnel only.

7. Responsibilities


8. Timeframes

Response Times:

9. Appeals Process

Appeal Mechanism:
If a complainant is dissatisfied with the resolution, they may appeal the decision by submitting a written appeal to the Chairman within 15 days of receiving the resolution. The appeal will be reviewed, and a final decision will be communicated within 30 days.

10. Policy Review and Updates

Review Schedule:
This policy will be reviewed annually by the Policy Committee to ensure its effectiveness and relevance. Updates will be made as needed and approved by the Board of Directors.

11. Communication

Policy Availability:
The Complaint Policy will be accessible on the GSSYA website and available in hard copy at the GSSYA office. All employees, volunteers, and stakeholders will be informed of its availability and encouraged to review it as part of their orientation and training.

Contact for Queries:
For questions or more information about the Complaint Policy, please contact Christina Guan, Complaints Officer, at

Approved By:
Linda Huang, Chairman
Jan 1st, 2020

Global Share Support Youth Association Health and Safety Policy

Global Share Support Youth Association (GSSYA)

Effective Date:Jan 1st 2020

Health and Safety Policies

1. General Health and Safety Commitment

GSSYA is committed to ensuring the safety, health, and well-being of all youth under our care, as well as our staff and volunteers. We aim to create a safe environment through proactive measures, rigorous training, and responsive procedures in the event of any health or safety concerns.

2. Risk Assessment and Prevention

3. Emergency Procedures

4. Mental Health and Well-Being

5. Safeguarding Policies

6. Health and Hygiene Protocols

7. Food and Allergies

8. Training and Accountability

9. Incident Reporting